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Click & fold

License: By downloading any of the following diagrams (models and diagrams: © Péter Budai) you accept that they are made available for personal use only. You can keep additional printed and electronical copies for yourself, but you are not licensed to redistribute the diagrams in any form without further agreement with me. In other words, all I am asking you is to be fair.

Liability: I have tried to make these diagrams as clear and error-free as possible. Most of them have been tested successfully by several folders around the world. All efforts had been taken to ensure high quality. Therefore, the diagrams are provided on an "as is" basis, without further assistance.

Difficulty: Difficulty level of the models is given in brackets (ratings are to be interpreted as: 1=very easy; 2=easy; 3=low intermediate; 4=high intermediate; 5=difficult; 6=complex; 7=supercomplex).

Instructions: Each step of the diagrams is augmented with short written instructions. However, in order to understand the diagrams successfully, it is needed to be familiar with the symbols and basic folds (which are provided here for free).


Models designed by me:

Traditional models:

More models

Dozens of further diagrams are available for purchase in the diagram shop:

Other instructions